Monday, 1 August 2011


Morning Bloggers,
Hope you are all well. I've been neglecting this site of late but truth is I'm a bit out of favour with it. I've done no artwork at all giving myself a break as it was just feeling to forced.
Anyway I'm still here, I'm thinking of changing a few things on my page, or even a total make over. Never happy am I?!
Hopefully back with more stuff soon so bare with me, and feel free to read and leave comment.
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Saturday, 16 July 2011

Further Progress on Picture

Short on sweet with this entry I'm afraid.  Just an update of what I've got done so far.  More colour has been laid down although its not been smoothed down or given any texture yet.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Kharn Progress

Thought I'd better get back to my own art stuff so here is some progress of my current project.  The basic colour has been applied with a bit more work done on the head.  Still all very basic but I'm now starting to concentrate on its form, and it is starting to take shape nicely.

Been a busy week, what with my Birthday and things beside, so I've only really got around to drawing again.  I seem to have the idea in my head that I want to take up trail running too...........I need more hours in my life to do everything that I want to do!  Been looking at running shoes on the Internet and researching the ones that are right for me.  It's amazing the amount of shoes out there and more amazing at how many hours this looking at the Internet takes out of my days!

Hopefully show you more soon :)


Thursday, 7 July 2011

Pete Knifton - Blood Bowl

More artists I hear you cry?!  Oh yes, I'm afraid so.  It probably more a shameless attempt to disguise the fact that I haven't done much of my own art work lately. Guilty as charged.  So why this artist of all other? Well Pete Kniftton is to me a huge influence in my childhood. Huge.  More than I'd like to admit as I'm letting out a very geeky side to my childhood.........OK a bit of my adulthood too.

Like quite a few boys of my age at the time we were enveloped in the games of warhammer from Games Workshop. The game of Blood Bowl was one of their title games that was more a specialist than mainstream game but I loved it.  I knew the rules like the back of my hand and could play a mean game.  What I remember most though is reading through the rule books over and over, its stories and images captivated me.  It was Kniftons' artwork that adorned many of the pages of these books.  I would try copying them replicating them with some efficiency.  Its just a style I love.

Relevant then don't you think that I have chosen to do a comic book on this very subject some twenty years after playing my first few games.  Pete's artwork is very apparent in my art and style as the imaginary he used is also stuck in my mind.  I know I'm not alone in this.  You can see more of these pictures and other artists interpretations at

I don't imagine for one minute that I can better these sort of images but in the spirit of what I enjoyed and still do enjoy I want to create and draw something with a similar feel.  Watch this space!!

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Maciej Kuciara - Artist

Today I thought I'd show you another artists work that I really like.  Maciej Kuciara, a name I'm not entirely sure I can pronouce correctly, is a concept artist who is employed by underdog.  He has worked on various games and designs for them, the most current and most known at the moment being Crisis 2. He's been proffesional for about seven years now.

I adore his various styles from the quick painterly effects to the intricate detailed cities and streets he does.  By far my favourite is the one below with the lady in the snow which he just titled 'Winter'.  anyway enough of my waffle here are a few pictures to look at.  For a better look you can also see his art on his own website, or his gallery pages on CGHUB,

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Kharn the Betrayer - WIP

So after a week of being busy I've finally got around to updating my blog, and this time I have something to show for it!  In the little spare time I've had, I have managed to sketch lots of things but mainly faces and doodles, comic book art etc.  However, I missed drawing stuff in more detail so today I sketched this out and now have something to concentrate on.  I'm really happy with this sketch, I've already binned a couple of different drawings previously, but this one I feel will be fun to work on and should be good when digitally coloured.

I shall post updates on here on its progress when I get time.  This is one that's not ending up in the bin!


Thursday, 23 June 2011

Ork Template

And here is my Ork Template for you to use.  This will form the basis for my blood bowl ork team and concept drawing.  Again please feel free to copy and paste this and use for your personal use.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

One of Those Moments

Last night wasn't a good one for me. My back was hurting after I'd mysteriously pulled it at work so I was already in a mood with my little self. Seeing as I was just sitting I decided to do some drawing on the computer. This didn't work out well at all. After about an hour, I'd pressed the delete button on what I was doing in frustration with myself and disgust at what I'd produced. Yes that's right folks I had a hissy fit. Seriously I just thought about giving up totally, even stopping this blog. Not sure who'd want to view my rubbish anyway.

Once I'd finished stropping, I did a bit of internet shopping then picked up my sketch book instead. Now pencil drawing I can do!! After a couple of hours of drawing my ork template and doodling some faces I was feeling happier and more at peace.

What can I take from this? Probably that I need practice using my wacom tablet. However, I maybe one of those artists that draw their stuff my hand before scanning it onto the computer. This for me seems to produce much better results.

Onwards and Upwards.
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Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Superhero Template

Here's a template that you can use to create your own superheros or comic book characters. Its been done to nine head high proportions.  Feel free To copy and paste for your personal use.  Even better, show me you inking and colouring skills and send them to me and I may put them here on my Blogspot :)

I've not been doing much digital art recently just been doing drawings with the ol pencils and paper.  Sketching mainly, and panning out some ideas.  I'll show some of my characters on here soon!!!

Bye till then


Friday, 17 June 2011

What Next?

Well here I am Saturday evening, on my laptop with the TV on in the background for company pondering not only my visit to my bed but also what to do with my art stuff next.

Well this is the plan: I'm going to tackle one of my sketches showed on here earlier on with the titan invading a mountain base.  Think this maybe a good challenge in scenery for me and something a bit different again.
After that I'm going to start on my graphic novel (never thought I'd say that).  Well that's the plan.  Currently I'm borrowing books left right and centre from my library about not only drawing, inking and colouring comics but also writing them.  I like to throw my self fully at these things, which will either work or crash and burn horribly when I realise I can't either draw, ink, colour or write. Or worse, all of them!  Still while I am thinking up characters, plot and all that Jazz, I'm going to do a concept cover piece.

This is my idea so far.  Based on a hardened world where people are brought up on war, poverty, from various species and races (I like orks, dwarves, and elves ok!) people live and thrive on the game of blood bowl.  Watched by the masses their blood lust is similar to that of those Romans who watched gladiators fight.  The game blood bowl is similar in some ways to American football just without the rules and brutal to play.  The plays are rarely people who want to play but rather criminals, slaves who are forced into the game.  Our hero is one such character playing to win the game, aiming to survive his harsh life a secret love, and above all conquer the blood bowl pitch so he can gain his freedom.

Probably far fetched.....a bit Tolkien meets gladiator in America!  Its still all an idea but I'm going to run with it and see firstly what pictures I can produce.  Anyway that's enough ramblings from me tonight, think my bed is in order :)

Oh and on a happy note.  Welcome to my blog Katy, aka 'kovah' :)

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Blood Bowl Concept Piece - Comic Art

This is my finished piece of the Blood Bowl player I was working on.  This was good fun to do! Okay its not really one for the portfolio, it was more an experimental piece to play around with comic book art.  I think my inking stage needs some serious work and would give a much more smooth finish but as this was experimental I'm not going to beat myself up over it.  Got some more ideas so will be showing these soon

You can see my work process above from start to its conclusion.

On another note I'd like to welcome Lucpet and Pumpkinhat to my Blog. Welcome! Sorry everyone for the long delay between blogs, just been busy and away from my computer.


ICONS - Jim Lee Review

For those who do not know, this is one Jim Lee’s latest books to be released and can be purchased from most good book stores or at your local library.

Jim Lee

Jim Lee was originally born in South Korea but at the age of four, his parents immigrated to the United States.  It is apparent that from an early age, he was a gifted artist but it wasn't really until his adult life things came into fruition.  He was on course to complete a  four-year physiological degree when after taking an art class he refound his love for drawing.  Lee took a very bold step in his life and put his medical degree on hold to pursue a career in comics.  He would give himself just one year to achieve this and if nothing came of it, he would return and finish his degree. 

Throwing everything into this career move Lee was finally discovered by editor of Marvel comics, Archie Goodwin.  Here he worked on lesser titles of the Marvel such as Alpha flight and the Punisher, where he gained a fan base.  Three years on he was drawing for the premiere titles such as the X men series. In 1992, he joined fellow marvel workers who had left to form Image Comics.  He joined the imprint founding Wildstorm Productions but he was never very happy as a publisher and so sold Wildstorm to DC Comics in 1998 allowing him to return to drawing monthly comic books.
He has since last year become a Co-Publisher for DC Comics but keeps himself in a position doing what he loves best and that is drawing and producing monthly comics.

Content of the Book

Gathering together art from across the range of Lee’s finest work, ICONS presents an impeccable collection of full-colour illustrations and pencil sketches, spanning his career to date. Taking in stunning and vivid renderings of superstar super heroes including Batman and Superman, WildC.A.T.s, Divine Right and Deathblow, this volume also features Lee’s guest art for series such as Ex Machina, plus a host of previously unseen pieces.
Structured around an all-new interview with Jim Lee by comic’s journalist Bill Baker, this deluxe volume also features brand new art from Lee, both on the specially designed dustjacket, and in an exclusive, all-new Legion of Super-Heroes ten-page story, written by Paul Levitz and illustrated by Jim Lee.
Lee’s ascent through the ranks of comics’ stardom, both in art and in business, is charted in this definitive collection, as Titan Books lays out his rich, varied and astonishingly successful career through an array of beautiful work.
Each section is lavishly colourful, showing not only his fantastic drawing but also the inking and colouring of those he’s worked with such as Alex Sinclair and Scott Williams.  Full-page spreads show off Lee’s ability, some showing his sketches and the process to his finished pieces.  
The highlights of the book really are the Superman and Batman chapters, which take up a considerable part of the book and will keep fans of his work engaged for a long time.

My Opinion
This book is fantastic if you like comic book art.  Even if you don't the content has to be admired, and with just under three hundred pages of pictures there is enough to keep you engaged.  I seem to notice new things every time I pick it up!  If anything, the artwork is inspirational and will have you reaching for your pencils attempting the same thing.  The written content is very informative and for those lacking knowledge in the comic book world (me included) is easy to follow, but has enough content for the more fanatical too.  Personally, I was just happy to look at the pictures!
The highlights of the book really are the Superman and Batman chapters, which take up a considerable part of the book and will keep fans of his work engaged for a long time.
So is it worth the £25 price tag? I would say yes.  It's a big book packed with pictures and information that you will want to look at for years to come, and if you don't have the money you could always borrow it from your local library!

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Something Different

Good morning bloggers.  Where I'm sure lots of people where out drinking and having a good time (my wife included!), I was sitting behind my laptop drawing and haunting Artorders forum site. 

I have suddenly been hit by comic art fever.  I sketched this blood bowl character last night and am liking this style! It was quite easy to create and a big step from my usual fiddly drawings.  I'm going to call this a work in progress as I'd like to finish it and see what I can do with this style.  I'm tempted to do some more stuff like this using the blood bowl theme.  Time for some orks, elves and dwarves I think!  Did I mention doing a more mature style to this theme.......oh well that's gone to pot.  Think I'd like to do a comic strip on this to see what I can do.  First I think I'll just do character and action shots and practice the style a bit more.

Watch this space for the finished piece and more to come!!

Friday, 10 June 2011

WIP Untitled

Picture is taking shape fast, adding more colour and smoothing the colours.  Nearly ready to add texture to the tunnel then I can work on my player.  Not decided what to call this piece yet.  Any ideas?

Thursday, 9 June 2011

New Look, New Blog Button!

Yep, I've done it! I've done my own blog button.  Think it all works too!!  Bloomin heck that was long winded to get right.  Think its ok, I actually wanted it to have a transparent back ground but couldn't seem to get that to work. Never mind.  For my more regular viewers you will also notice a slight change to my blog.  After waiting for feed back, it appears that my blog was too dark, distracting and cluttered.  I'm hoping this is something of an improvement.

My son Jake is poorly at the moment, nothing serious but when he refused my chicken roast dinner I knew he wasn't himself.  He managed school but it took its tole on him and by the time he got home he crashed out on the sofa.  Bless.

Hope you like the new look site.  I'll be back soon with more interesting news hopefully!

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

New Work Begins

Well having just finished my last picture, I just had to start on my next one.  More to just get the idea out of my head and onto canvas.  My next series of painting is going to be based on the game Blood Bowl which was a very popular game made by Games Workshop in the 1980s.  The game was one of my favourites and the art work for it was great.  However, I'm approaching my art in a more grown up way compared to the more cartoon style ones published in the rule books.

Pictures still rough but it gives you an idea.

And to prove I've been a busy bee tonight that's not the only thing I've been working on!!!  I've also started (and nearly finished) my personal button for my blog.  Think of it as a metal flower.  Not sure what to do with writing.  I'll just have to have a play around.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Finally Finished!!!!!

Its taken an age to do and I'll be the first to say I need to sort my methods of work as its too slow.  I'm fairly happy with it, yet I have some niggles still.  I'm moving away from this now and will come look at it in a few months time and see it with fresh eyes.  Time for something different.  Let me know what you think :)

Nearly, Nearly There!!!!!

Thought I'd post this before making a retreat to my bed.  Hopefully you'll be able to see changes from my last picture.  I really only have a couple more things I want to sort now.  That Includes the sword blades and the wolf emblems on the shoulder pad.......colour gold is giving me grief!!!  I shall then mark it as 'to be judged' for a while.  If I fail to see things I want to change then I'll sign it and call it a day!

Good Night All.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Dead Line

That's it. I'm going to set myself a deadline for my finished piece. Time it was done and dusted, as I've got other things I want to be getting on with. Id like to do my personal button for my blog then perhaps work on either the sketch below or another project idea a little away from my usual sci fi. So my date is ONE WEEKS TIME. That's right, and if I don't have it done by then you have my permission to throw a torrent of abuse at me!

I've done very little this weekend with the family, its not really been great weather and Helen and I are very tired. Been to the garden centre and got our hanging basket sorted........just need to drill some holes into the bricks for the bracket to hang it up with. DIY is not my strong point. It's bound to end in an injury! If you don't hear from me it could be because I've fallen off the ladder and drilled myself!!

Hope you've had a good week. Wish me luck in getting my picture finished by next Sunday :)
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Saturday, 4 June 2011


Here is something I just sketched out this afternoon.  Really rough and just an idea, but I like it and may run with this.  It'll be totally different from what I normally do, as I'm concentrating on landscape more.  Bit naughty as I've not quite finished my other one but I needed a break from it!

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Goodbye Gallery Page!

Its gone! I've deleted my own pictures off my art blog. But before you think I've gone completely mad if you take a look at the top right side bar of my page you'll see a new button.  If I may add, a rather funky looking button that I made myself!! If you click on this it will link you over to my favourite website, CGHUB.  Here you'll see my artwork on display.  You can from here view, download, and coment on my pictures or scout the site and view some of the amazing pictures produced by professionals and hobbyists alike.

I'm rather chuffed with my little button.  I couldn't help but punch the air and do a little jig when the link worked......that and I think it looks cool on my page.  Going to design my own button for my page that people can then download for their own pages.  Just need some simple ideas.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Poor Care

I have just watched the most horrific Panorama special program.  It concentrated on a mental health care home, Winterbrook, showing not only the lack of humane care but the brutality and sickening abuse that the patients are put through.  It was all secretly filmed and the reality of the abuse was for me nothing but sickening.  Seriously.  I wanted to turn the channel because it upset me so much, but at the same time I was gobsmacked that this sort of thing could go on, and I was hoping for a happy conclusion.  As a previous mental health nurse I had never seen such abuse.  Granted I'd met lazy staff but none that would restrain a patient for the sake of it because they were annoying them.  Pulling patients out of bed, grabbing of hair, abused, forced it was all on this program to see.  It wasn't just one staff member it was a great deal of them and the senior staff just turned a blind eye.

Does this thing really go on everywhere?  I seriously hope not.  They are patients in care, not there to be tortured punished, just for fun(!).  In all 13 members of staff were suspended and a police investigation is under way.  I hope they all get prison sentences. I hope they all get long prison sentences and get a taste of their own medicine from fellow inmates.  That's probably just an angry reaction to what I saw, but sometimes justice is knowing just what its like to be in their shoes.

Did anyone else see it?

Monday, 30 May 2011

Nearly There!!

Oh I have done a bit more artwork so here it is.  Was going to keep it a secret but I've decided to let you all see.  Not long till I put it on CGHUB to get it critqued.

So what do you think? Loved to know your thoughts :)


Oh my god has it been a week already? Blimey where did that time go?  It probably hasn't helped that last time I tried adding a post my blog site failed and I couldn't log back on!!  So what have been up to.  Well I got to watch the Halfords Tour in Durham last Tuesday with Helen which was great.  Strange watching pros suffer so badly.......much like I do when I used to race!! Got some great photos as well.

Had a treat this weekend though.  The children went to stay at their grandmas so Helen and I got to have a free evening to ourselves. Think its been the first time in about two years. Yikes!  We had a good night at the cinema and watched the new Pirates of the Caribbean film which was great stuff.  I love cinemas, just a shame I get to go so rarely.  Think its the lure of a large box of popcorn that does it :)  we went for a meal afterwards which was okay, even if Helen's starter was a bit of a disaster.  How hard is it to melt cheese in breadcrumbs?  Apparently very hard!

Do you know what the best part was though?  Waking up at nine o'clock,  not the usual early hours threatened by my children.  Missed them though, life just isn't the same without them.

Monday, 23 May 2011

My Weekend

Well It's Monday and I'm suffering from what can only be described as cyclists hangover. Ah, but wait. I've not told you my real passion in life have I? Mountain biking, road biking.....I've been in love with it for half my life and cannot see that changing. There was a time I lived, worked and breathed them. Ok, now that I work as a librarian I don't spend my time working with bikes but enjoy my own. I often commute to work, only twelve miles, but it keeps my legs going.

So what did I do yesterday? Well yesterday I took my mountain bike up with a couple of friends to beautiful Scotland. Glentress to be exact. It rained, it was windy at times and not always warm. It didn't put us off though and nor did it put off many others. You see it offers some great climbs, if too many, but fantastic desents. The best in this country. You can't but smile and for five hours nothing else matters. Ok I'll avoid going all religious on you but its just a great feeling.

The next day, however, is one where I suffer for all my efforts! I ache from head to toe. It is as always worth it though.

Most of the other time I spent with my family. My wife Helen and my son Jake and Daughter Erin. Think all in all a perfect weekend. Happy days

Hope lifes good for you :)
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Thursday, 19 May 2011

Spot The Difference!

Well I've done lots of little adjustments but they've been mainly to shadows and highlights.  I adjusted his diamond on the badge as it was a bit wonky! Just been concentrating on his necklace but am undecided about the silver edging. Anyhow, I'm happy with how it looks overall. Going to get right side of picture sorted including his unfinished arm, shoulder and chainsword.  Hopefully be back with a picture and update soon!!

Monday, 16 May 2011

A light At The End Of The Tunnel

Well I went ahead and cropped the picture.  Result, a nearer completed picture.  This has made me feel so much better about it.  Although I loved the picture and pose before cropping I was just getting too bogged down with the detail.  Now it feels like I'm closer to completion rather than under half way. Happy :).  So heres a tip for any beginners........don't try doing too much or be too complicated with your projects.  You'll only loose heart if progress is slow.  Now I just need tips on patterns of silver and gold!

Professional In Action

I liked this video.  Not just because I like Daves artwork, but also it shows the process of how he goes from a blank canvass to to a great piece of work in just an hour and a half!  Its speeded up so you're not sitting there that long.  It probably proves that I spend too long on my artwork and would probably have more motivation if i loosened up my style. I often wonder if other artists look at this in the same wonder, and think I can do that, then have ago only to find out.....actually they can't!  At school I never remember looking at peoples work and thinking 'I wish I could paint like that'.  I produced my own stuff and was happy with that.  The more I look at others blogs at peoples different styles the more I question my own abilities. Am I just embaracing myself showing my lack of abilities.  Then I suppose I should stop myself with that kind of thinking.  This is not a competition.  I'm not attempting to get a job in the art industry (although that would be amazing).  I'm just drawing because I love drawing.  I just hope there are some people out there who will like them too.  If there are........please give me the encouragement to keep going.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

To Crop Or Not To Crop?

Morning Bloggers! Well last night was spent painting and watching the eurovision song contest. Not sure why we bother to be honest. If a big band like blue can only finish mid table then we should call it a day. Still Graham Norton did us proud with his quick quips and put downs.

Picture doing ok but I really want it finished so I can move on. Thinking of cropping it some more. Should help with the composition a bit more as well as giving me less to paint. What do you think?

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Saturday, 14 May 2011


Blog not saved my changes from a few days ago!!!!  Took me ages too.  I'd done my own background.  Filled my new artist page with pictures, and started my tips page.  I'm not impressed.  I'll have to do it again now :(

Spare Time

Well after a day working at my library, I now have a quiet evening to look forward to.  My Wife is out at her sisters to watch the Eurovision of all things, and so with the kids going to bed soon that leaves a free evening for me.  Think I will try and get some more of my picture done.  I feel I have a surprising amount of energy left considering my ride on my bike last night and a day of work.  Hopefully won't be found slumped and fast asleep on my laptop!

Friday, 13 May 2011

You Tube Goodies

It's only just come to my attention that there is a wealth of tips and information regarding drawing digitally. I was watching a few by Dave Rapoza last night. Although not the most animated of talkers its amazing to watch the process he uses to develop his pieces. He can do fantastic work in just two hours. Something that would take me days. For my next piece I shall be embracing his style and trying it out myself.

Anyway, I have to get on my bike now, cycle 6 miles to my library where I work. When I finish I'm then meant to be going out riding with one of my mates. Think i'll be tired tonight!
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Wednesday, 11 May 2011

A Background Makes All The Difference

Good evening people.  Well here it is, another progress report and as you can see quite a bit has changed!  Primarily the background has been done.  I've done this by starting in a black shade and gradually adding layers of colour in subtle tone and colour changes.  Its added a more dramatic lighting to the picture and gives a good sense of mood.  I'm now applying more exaggerated lighting and shading to match the light of the background.  Its taking a lot of patience blending in the colours, a technique I'll be demonstrating in a tutorial for beginners soon.  I've added detail to the chest, although his necklace needs to be done.  Currently working on the sword, but after spending a few hours on this already its time to call it a day.

Till next time :)


bloodangels book intro illo

Here is an artist who i've looked at and marvelled over for a few years.  There is no doubt that he has had influence over my work or even the way I generally draw.  There is just so much quality stuff in his portfolio.  Any how, my own work moved on a pace last night with the top half getting close to be doing.  The chest was always going to be a problem as i lost my original base layer so had to start again.  However, I prevailed.......well more or less.  I can often be very critical of my own work so itll probably be tweaked many more times till I'm close to happy.  Actually to help with my lighting and directon (such an important part) I'm now doing the background.  i'm going for something simple, much like Dave Rapozas images I've got posted on here.  Anyway, I'll post a new picture soon, have fun drawing till then.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Dave Rapoza

Baxter Stockman


These are pictures by Dave Rapoza.  His use of light and texture never fails to impress.  A very mature take on a teenage ninja turtles I believe?!!! Certainly a guy I look up to in the art world. Check him out on

Monday, 2 May 2011

Modern Technology

Thought id try and use my phone to blog. Might blog more often that way!
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Painfully Slow

Work is still progress but it seems to be taking ages.  Did it take this long last time??  People really must have more spare time than me because they are producing pictures weekly, I seem to be on a biannual speed.  Talking of other artists, it's amazing how humbling it is to look at what others can produce. is perfect example of what I'm talking about and if you like quality art then its very much worth a look.  Mines on there too but it pales into insignificance compared to professionals.  I just think they have more spare time........and a less dodgy computer.  Think its time for an upgrade!!!!  Till next time, keep drawing :)

Wednesday, 27 April 2011


Not much done tonight but I've done some repositioning and now started adding more exaggerated tones to the armour. All rough and ready but I'm finding my way once more :)

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Gallery Updates

Hey sorry been away for a while. Computer has been playing up and its been an effort to retrieve corrupted files containing my artwork. Still I've got it more or less sorted now and so I can progress. I've added some of my older work to my gallery so you can have a laugh at my stuff!! Be back again soon.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Damn Computer.....

Technology has a lot to answer for!!!! It seems to have corrupted my art work and I can't retrieve it. Gutted. I've lost the will to restart it again. It had so much potential too.

Been looking into the artwork of Tony DiTerlizzi. Amazing imaginitive stuff. So creative, a style i'd love to have, but wonder if my imagination stretches that far. I'm tempted to freshen my working style and he maybe the inspiration I need. Check his work out. Well worth a look!!

Monday, 7 March 2011


Face and hair now taking shape and getting close to being finished. There are things that look wrong and the hair is still bugging me!! Oh well, it'll have to do for now. I need a rest!!!!


Hair. Oh my god hair. Who'd have guessed making hair look realistic was going to be so difficult!!!! The face is nearly finished now and is looking pretty mean n funky but right now he looks like someone has place a very bad wig on his head. arggghhh

Well, I'm getting more and more viewings to this blog but still no comments. If you'd like to add something then please feel welcome to do so.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Get on with it!

Back to art progress................working on the face now which is I guess the most important part. From here things only get better to look at. I hope!

Weather Cock Up

Found the weather forecast amusing this morning. They showed us the morning temperatures then as the clock moved on the graphics only showed the changing cloud coverage......and that's all the weather lass could talk about. There were no wind icons or temperature icons. I know more about the next days weather than today's!!! Oh well it would have probably been wrong anyway.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011


Well this is progress so far. Things are still a bit messy. I've gained some form to the shoulders and backpack and have begun on the chest. I've had a a change of heart though!!!! Although the pose worked in the larger imagine, in this cropped pose, it's too stagnant. I've decided I'm going to raise the hand up to the chest and have his face turn more to us.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

New Project

This is a drawing I did a little while back and one I really like. Granted there are some anatomical faults but I enjoy the level of detail in it. I have decided to use this imagine and do it as a new digital piece by adding some colour and more character to it. I'll keep you posted on progress so you can see my work flow.

Self Portrait

This is a self portrait! OK, its done in my style but really it was more an experimental piece as I've finally got a touch sensitive pen to do my drawings with. And what a difference!!!! The picture isn't really finished yet, skin needs more work but it was a good practice piece.

My First Digital Work

This was my first attempt at doing digital Sci Fi. It is something that took a great deal of time and was part of a huge learning curve in learning in how to use brushes, layers and the myriad of tools available on photo shop. My method of working was probably not the best or the quickest and although I still am not 100% happy, I have called this finished now. Overall, I am quite pleased with myself considering it was my first attempt and all done with a mouse.

Saturday, 5 February 2011


Welcome to my blog.  OK bare with me as I've nothing to show yet but I will shortly uploading my artwork and sharing with you my process, inspiration and final work.  I shall look forward to your comments and hope you aren't too critical!! First I have to work out how to get this all set up :)