Monday 16 May 2011

Professional In Action

I liked this video.  Not just because I like Daves artwork, but also it shows the process of how he goes from a blank canvass to to a great piece of work in just an hour and a half!  Its speeded up so you're not sitting there that long.  It probably proves that I spend too long on my artwork and would probably have more motivation if i loosened up my style. I often wonder if other artists look at this in the same wonder, and think I can do that, then have ago only to find out.....actually they can't!  At school I never remember looking at peoples work and thinking 'I wish I could paint like that'.  I produced my own stuff and was happy with that.  The more I look at others blogs at peoples different styles the more I question my own abilities. Am I just embaracing myself showing my lack of abilities.  Then I suppose I should stop myself with that kind of thinking.  This is not a competition.  I'm not attempting to get a job in the art industry (although that would be amazing).  I'm just drawing because I love drawing.  I just hope there are some people out there who will like them too.  If there are........please give me the encouragement to keep going.


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